
Today’s environment seems to thrive on narcissism. Just take a look at social media. Everything is centered on the “I”. Twitter is filled with personal thoughts and opinions. People post their own experiences as they occur on Instagram. Finally, all these experiences and opinions are consolidated on Facebook through pictures, status updates, and sharing of articles and videos.


So what does this mean for marketers? First, this means that consumers or customers, whichever you prefer to call them, have a voice. They ask more questions. They won’t just sit back while you push your products and messages to their faces. Second, this entails that brands have to let go of their corporate egos and listen to what clients or customers want, instead of telling them what they think they want.


Brands now need to be more customer-centric. It’s not about how many deals you close but how many people you help with your brand and your content. Being customer-centric means focusing on bringing a unique brand experience to your market. It’s not just about your product and your message anymore.


Take Coca-Cola, for example. Coke’s marketing showcases the brand more than being a thirst-quenching cold beverage. At the very heart of Coke is the experience of happiness, and sharing that happiness with friends and loved ones. Take a look at Coke’s digital content. They create videos that document people’s experiences, from OFWs abroad to ordinary drivers and security guards, all while holding a cold bottle of Coke. These videos are then shared and liked by thousands of people in a matter of hours. Coke places its customers and their experience of happiness at the front of its content. Genius digital marketing strategy, that is!


Now, if you want to follow Coke’s success, here are a few tips to get your marketing game started in coming up with your own unique brand experience and consumer-centric content.


Survey your clients


What better way to understand your audience than ask them yourself? Conduct surveys or even focus group discussions to grasp the sense of what message will best resonate with them. You will not understand your audience while you’re inside meetings in a boardroom. Do online polls. Ask your clients for their thoughts in naming a new product. By getting their input, you can build a brand experience that they will love because they were part of its conception.


Analyze customer data


Look into your website visits. Is your site SEO-optimized? If so, what keywords put your site on the first page of search engines? What keywords do users type once they’re in your website? How long do users stay in your page? If they do stay, are they able to immediately find what they are looking for? Include a comment or recommendation box in your site. Make sure that your users or customers feel that their opinions are highly valued. Try visiting other blogs and forums to see what people are saying about your brand, your products, and your industry.


Be industry relevant


Know the trends in your industry. Read up on best practices from other companies. Who knows? You might even pick up a strategy, tweak it, and build a better customer experience from there. Look for related studies about your industry. Or better yet, you can create and publish your own research. This way, companies can benefit from your insights, thereby establishing you as a thought leader in your field.


Digital marketing expert Kevin Stirtz put it best when he said, “Know what your customers want most and what your company does best. Focus on where those two meet.” While other brands are hounding clients, get ahead of the pack by listening to them instead.


What do you think is the best digital marketing strategy in coming up with customer-centric content? Share us your thoughts in the comments section below.