
If you’re a B2B marketer sitting on a mountain of slide decks, why aren’t you on SlideShare yet?


For those who still don’t know, SlideShare is a presentation-sharing social network owned by LinkedIn. It hosts not only PowerPoint but also PDF, Keynote, or OpenDocument file formats. Easily consumable visual content is one of SlideShare’s biggest advantages.


But not everyone seems to be in on that fact. Dubbed as the How To Create An Awesome SlideShare quiet giant of content marketing, SlideShare is the best content tool for B2B marketing but is the most undervalued. Business owners use SlideShare five times more than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.  Five times more traffic; now that’s an opportunity.


“Presentations are one of the main ways in which professionals capture and share their experiences and knowledge, which in turn helps shape their professional identity, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner said. ‚”These presentations also enable professionals to discover new connections and gain the insights they need to become more productive and successful in their careers.” That’s one reason LinkedIn acquired SlideShare.


We give you three compelling reasons to give SlideShare a shot:


Display thought leadership in your industry


You can seamlessly integrate SlideShare into your LinkedIn company profile, which makes SlideShare a great platform for flexing your thought leadership muscles. Because who better to showcase your professional expertise than to professional connections?


Pro tip: being a thought leader doesn’t equate to being opinionated. True thought leadership means successfully providing the best answers to your target audience’s biggest and most important questions. Becoming the go-to entity elevates your reputation and drives the success of your business.


Michael Stelzner, founder and CEO of Social Media Examiner, observes: “If you want to remain top-of-mind in your industry, you must regularly provide relevant content to a niche audience. When you consistently deliver value to the right people, they will share your content, evangelize your products and services and in many cases become your best customers.”


Great avenue for recycled content


Repurposing content is not a mortal sin. In fact, it’s an efficient way of breathing new life into old content that deserves fresh attention. Information nowadays tends to get old very quickly. No content marketing deity will strike you down if you update an old post with new data (if necessary) then republish it in a brand-new format in another platform.


In the age of information overload, how can your brand rise above the noise? One foolproof way to reach a wider audience and engage them is to cater to their varying preferences in consuming content. 


Webinar: How to Repurpose Social Content to Save Time & Maximize Leads More channels equals more reach.


You can use SlideShare to target highly visual people, for instance. So if you have a blog post, a white paper, or an e-book, go ahead and turn it into a great presentation complete with visuals and written content (because with SlideShare, you can show and tell).


Packaging your content in a visually appealing manner sparks fresh interest and even re engages audiences that have previously been exposed to the same content.


Take advantage of the inbound lead generation tool


SlideShare statistics say there are over 70 million users actively looking for content on the platform every month. Imagine what you can do with that much volume of organic interest. Plus the Lead Gen tool is self-service, which places the content distribution platform’s power squarely in your hands. Here’s a Lead Generation on SlideShare: A How-to Guide how-to guide.


Being on SlideShare gives you the capacity to attract and build an audience. And once you’ve developed your SlideShare viewership, you have a receptive audience that you can convert into high-quality prospects.


It cannot be denied that social media plays a big role in your business‚ content marketing strategy. And while it’s still up for debate whether or not it’s advisable to be on every available social channel, taking advantage of SlideShare’s massive professional audience that’s still largely unreached by other marketers is an opportunity you can’t afford to miss.


Are there any social media channels aside from SlideShare you think are also under-appreciated? Share your thoughts below.